Museum Tidings
The official quarterly newsletter of the Tehama County Museum
(Web Edition)
Summer Issue 2007
Tehama County Museum Foundation
275 C. Street
P.O. Box 275
Tehama, CA 96090
Phone: (530)384-2595
Web Site: http//
President: Chris Bauer 384-1463
Secretary: Paul Quinn 384-1285
Treasurer: Linda Middlebrough 384-2602
Editor: Karen Bacquet 384-1525
I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; Yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.
--Kahlil Gibran
Board Election and Changes
As per Museum by-laws we had our board election in January, with Karen Bacquet, Ruth Britt, Chris Bauer, Linda Middlebrough, Darrell Mullins, and Paul Quinn returning to serve another term. A new member, Cathy Blackmore, joins us this year. A great big welcome and thank you to Cathy for taking on the job.
However, Jim Stephens resigned this year after many years devoted service. Those of us that have worked with Jim hold him in great affection and esteem. No one had been a greater advocate for the Museum - he could scarcely get into a conversation at any event without trying to recruit new members, knowing how crucial this is for our mission. Likewise we will miss his keen analytical skills; he always could be counted on to view an issue with a fresh perspective - which is an invaluable quality in a decision-making situation. His enthusiasm was matched by his generosity: Many, many hours he spent helping prepare for events and fundraising projects. He hung quilts, swept, served meals, prepared exhibits, lent his hand and back willingly for the cause. Last, but not least, we all enjoyed his quirky sense of humor. Jimbo, our friend, thank you!
Prune-Cake Sale
The Museum is planning to set up a booth at the Dairyville Orchard Festival again this year, on Saturday, October 30 to sell our famous "36 Lady" prune cake. This event is not only a great fundraiser, but it's an opportunity to promote the Museum to people who have never even heard of us before. The prune cake is very popular, and many folks come by just for a slice and a cup of coffee, only to return to buy a whole cake to take home.
Volunteers are always welcome, either to bake the prune cakes, or to work the booth.
Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it
---Soren Kierkegaard
Your Museum at Work
January 23: A group of disabled adults from the North Valley Service Adult Development Program, under the direction of Mrs. Liz McDonald came to tour the Museum.
February: The Museum hosted the biennial Doll Show in the Annex, organized by Jo Anne Landingham and Phyllis Walston.
May 31: The third grade class from Reed's Creek School came to visit. Karen Bacquet, Ruth Britt, and Paul Quinn were docents for both of the tours. Paul always gives an exciting introduction for the children, to give them a feel for what Tehama County was like in the old days.
June 11: The Museum provided lunch for the California Retired Teacher's Association, which, this year, was held at the Cone Grove United Methodist Church. Paul cooked his delicious hamburgers on the grill, and Ruth Britt and Cathy Blackmore served the crowd of 38. The teachers enjoyed a Power Point presentation by Ben Hughes from the Sacramento River Discovery Center.
Sourdough Paul's Ramblings
Well, the editor just got back from spending all them Museum funds on a trip to Hawaii. No wonder there was no winter or spring edition! She got a heart transplant from granite to Mt. Lassen obsidian and had her nails done, too . . . and I ain't even welcome to pilfer the fridge. I thought this building was where they held court - justice and all that.
Last time I wrote about changing history with a bulldozer, evidently what occurred out at the Cone family ranch house. This is on State 99E 'tween Red Bluff and Dairyville, case you didn't know. Story was that the state wanted to punch through a route right through those folks' property . . . up their driveway, it was. Now just imagine how that would feel? The Cones told 'em "All right, but don't you go cuttin' down our black walnut trees that line the drive." Can't blame them. Black walnut ice cream is so good you can't find it anywhere.
So the trees still stand to this day, lining a stretch of highway zipping right by their front door . . . or it would if'n they still had one. The house came down last year. Nary a sound made in the county. See what screening oleander bushes out front can do for you? Take down a house and no one notices.
It had river stone front porch and pillars, shingle siding. All in all it was a tidy building you would imagine stumbling up in the pine forest. Don't know why . . . maybe it looked a little like the Ponderosa. Any way you think about it, the ranch house had character and a look of permanence. Now that's a foolish thing to say, I suppose.
Sourdough Paul
Docent Shortage at Critical Level
Those of you that follow our "Museum Tidings" newsletter, for the most part find good news here, except for the occasional sad announcement of someone's passing. But since the newsletter fulfills the vital function of informing the membership about what's going on at the Museum, I think it's important for you to be aware of something that's not good news at all, but is in fact a chronic, and possibly crippling, problem: We don't have enough docents.
The fact that the doors still open every weekend is because of a single volunteer who donates an inordinate amount of her time and energy to the Museum. She is there, very often completely on her own, nearly every weekend. And she is, in her own words, "no spring chicken". In fact, other concerned board members, aware that we have an older lady working by herself, will stop by or call, just to make sure all is well.
The shortage of volunteers has already forced us to keep the Museum closed on Fridays.
For the Museum to function properly, we need two docents - one for upstairs and one for downstairs - for every Saturday and Sunday of the month. It would also be useful to have substitute docents, to cover those times when people can't be there for their usual day.
If this situation continues, the day is going to come when it's time to open the Museum, and there is no one there to do it. Visitors who find us closed on a day we're supposed to be open will be slow to try again, and disinclined to support us if we can't keep our promise to "keep the doors open for future generations."
Like all the other board members, I wear several hats at the Museum, taking on specific jobs I'm expected to do. But of all of these, being a docent is definitely my favorite. I really enjoy talking, and listening, to the people who come by - the old-timers who tell me stories, the little kids who are learning to love history. It's a lot of fun.
All you need to do is commit to three hours a month. We'll train you; we'll help you any way we can. But we need you - ASAP. Please call us.
Karen Bacquet
President's Message
Twenty-seven years ago, a small group of Tehama County citizens had a vision to preserve the fourth-oldest building in Tehama County to have been in continuous use, (the old Masonic Lodge in the City of Tehama) and to turn it into a Museum for the preservation and presentation of Tehama County history. That was the beginning of the Tehama County Museum Foundation, and although the faces have changed, the mission has not.
This Museum is only as good as the active participation of its members. As you have read in recent issues of this newsletter, we have lost some key members of the board which need to be filled. To keep the vision alive, we currently are developing a recruitment plan to fill out the Board. A full, active Board is crucial to the continued success of the Museum, so don't be surprised if sometime in the near future, you feel a tap on the shoulder - and I hope your answer will be "yes." But we will want more - we want your suggestion of who else would be a good board member.
Several years ago, we embarked on an ambitious plan to expand our exhibit and storage capabilities. Here's an update for those who have been wondering what's happening with the Annex.
The City of Tehama has purchased the land on which the Annex stands from Union Pacific Railroad. Previously, the Museum had an annual lease with the railroad which, 'though unlikely, could have been terminated by the railroad, putting the future of the Annex into question. The City of Tehama and the Tehama County Museum are now working out terms for a new lease that will guarantee the Museum's use of that land in perpetuity.
This development is a good thing and is only part of the Museum's plan to finish the Annex and keep the vision alive. Members of the Museum Board have met onsite with Mr. Perry of the Tehama County Building Department to work out the details of getting the Annex shell permit reactivated and signed off as complete. That will pave the way for the next phase which is to complete the interior of the structure and clear it for Museum use. We have engaged a general contractor to help develop a plan to complete the structure and make it available for Museum use for the public.
This is a big undertaking. Dean Gorby and many members of the Tehama County business community and the general public who support the Museum put in countless hours, a lot of sweat, and huge amounts of donated material to get the building this far. This effort needs to be validated by finishing the job so the citizens of Tehama County and our visitors can benefit from the use of this Annex.
The Tehama County Museum is currently working with the City of Tehama trying to get grant money to finish the Annex. This is a work in progress and we will keep you updated. If you want more information, if you have help to offer or if you would like to have input in this process, please call me. Or, better yet, come to our board meetings at 4 P.M. on the first Sunday of every month at the Museum. We'll even treat you to a cup of Ruth Britt's "hairy-chested" coffee!
In the meantime, we make preparations for the 26th Annual Jubilee scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 8th. This is our main moneymaking event each year, and a successful event is essential in keeping the vision alive. Additionally, it represents perhaps the best opportunity for members and supporters of the museum to get involved. And we need to be actively involved - as much for our own sakes as for the Museum. It allows us to take pride in in a worthy cause - the preservation and presentation of the history of Tehama County.
Enjoy this newsletter and Thank you in advance for all your help.
Chris Bauer
Be a part of history . . .
Be a Docent!
Mark Your Calendars for the 26th Annual Museum Jubilee
It's that time of year again, folks, when the board and other volunteers are busily getting ready for the Jubilee on Saturday, September 8.
The day will begin, as always, with a pancake, eggs and ham breakfast being served starting at 8 a.m, for $6. By popular demand, we are bringing back the Children's Parade to kick off the day's activities at 10:00. Janine Hart, and her band of volunteers from the Los Molinos Volunteer Fire Department have graciously agreed to organize the parade and the other children's activities this year, which will include a watermelon-eating contest, sack races, and other fun games for the kids.
Opening Ceremonies, with a color guard from Ross Turner's Boy Scout troop, will begin at 10:30; Faith Bennett will perform the national anthem.
We've got an exciting entertainment line-up this year with the Red Bluff Community Band, Loosely Strung, the Jewel Tones, vocalist Laurie Dana, and Glenn and Gerrie Larson confirmed to appear as of this writing. The performances begin at 11:00.
The Central Tehama County Kiwanis Club, along with the help of the Key Club kids will be serving our hamburger and hot dog lunch, with side dishes priced separately. To finish off with dessert, you might want to stop by the Los Molinos Women's Club table, where there will be pie and ice cream.
Sam Kissee will be back with his on-the-spot antique appraisals. For five dollars you can learn the monetary value of that old family heirloom - the results might surprise you! One of our board members took his grandfather's old fountain pen to Sam for appraisal, and found that it was worth $1500. Dick Chamberlain will be appraising antique guns and weaponry.
Judy's Country Store will be back again this year, with a collection of crafts and homemade goodies on sale. I've been told that small packages of baked goods are in great demand and sell out way too quickly, so those of you that like to bake might consider donating some cookies, brownies, or cupcakes. A variety of other craft booths will also be setting up in Habert Park.
The Museum raffle will be back again, with a variety of prizes, large and small given away throughout the day. While the list of prizes is still incomplete as of this writing, we will be giving away gift baskets from Latimer's, a meat packet worth $130 from NuWay Market, and overnight stays at Ramada Inn and the Rolling Hills Lodge.
Our curator and exhibit committee is hard at work, preparing a new exhibit for the downstairs. This year, we're going to have a miscellaneous collection of Tehama County artifacts for you to look at, enjoy, and learn from.
The day finishes off, between 4:00 and 6:00, with a delicious Tri-tip dinner, including baked beans, green salad, roll, and dessert - all at the very reasonable price of $8.50. A children's plate will be available for $5.00.
Tehama County Museum Foundation; P.O. Box 275; Tehama, CA 96090
(530) 384-2595
© 2011 David Louis Harter, California Technologies