Museum Tidings
The official quarterly newsletter of the Tehama County Museum
(Web Edition)
Quick Summer Issue 1997
Tehama County Museum Foundation
275 C. Street
P.O. Box 275
Tehama, CA 96090
Phone: (530)384-2595
Web Site: http//
From the editor:
This will be a quick look at what is going on at your museum. Due to the ill health of our secretary since before Christmas, it has been hard to get everything in this department done. Thanks to the rest of the Board, the jobs were completed along with everything else that had to be done. Great Thanks are due the Board for their help. And FINALLY I am in a state of recovery, getting better slowly but surely. Now, being house-bound and unable to drive anywhere, I have to admit this is about the limit of my knowledge. All the other members of the board are FULL of facts and suggestions for help or visiting or doing something for the Museum. …Margaret Bauer
One of these days before long, we are going to have to consider a pole barn for our agriculture and some other outdoor-type exhibits. Dick Chamberlain has just acquired a new lumbering saw that is a humdinger and a big addition to our lumber exhibit. It is equal in size to the gas chain saw we already had.
We have had visits from many groups this year. One date involved two groups that were miles apart in interest but the men kindly went upstairs to study their antique guns while the ladies of Delta Kappa Gamma teachers' group met downstairs and had a fashion show of some of our older clothes. The men meet every month, but this is the second visit for the DKG. We can look forward in June to a visit from the Conference of California Historical Societies' State Meeting in Chico. We are on the tour list. This is the group that presented the award to Maggie last June.
One of our very good members and a long-time influence in our county died in March. Inez Marie Borror left us on March 12 of this year at the age of 90. She was an enthusiastic 4-H leader, an active member of the El Camino Methodist Church and organized and worked for the Hope Chest in Red Bluff. She is survived by her son Bill Borror of Tehama, a sister, six grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.
We can ALWAYS use new Docents…only 3 hours a month…and the pay raises are tremendous. (Well, of course your know that this is volunteer work, but it does pay off in the wonderful people you might meet and the increase in your own knowledge of our county.)
Tehama County Museum Foundation; P.O. Box 275; Tehama, CA 96090
(530) 384-2595
© 2011 David Louis Harter, California Technologies